Brain 2412df4960
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2024-08-28 13:43:33 +02:00

179 lines
4.3 KiB

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: WTF Kooperative eG <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
import os
from flask import g, make_response, request, send_file
from functools import wraps
from ki.auth import auth
from ki.handlers import find_profiles as find_profiles_handler
from ki.handlers import update_profile as update_profile_handler
from ki.models import ContactType, Language, Skill, Token, User
from app import app
content_type_svg = "image/svg+xml"
content_type_png = "image/png"
def token_auth(func):
def _token_auth(*args, **kwargs):
auth_header = request.headers.get("Authorization")
if (auth_header is None):
return make_response({}, 401)
if not auth_header.startswith("Bearer"):
return make_response({}, 401)
token = Token.query.filter(Token.token == auth_header[7:]).first()
if token is None:
return make_response({}, 403)
g.user = token.user
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return _token_auth
def models_to_list(models):
models_list = []
for model in models:
return models_list
def handle_completion_request(model, key):
query = model.query
if "search" in request.args:
query = query.filter("search")))
results = query.order_by( \
.limit(10) \
api_results = models_to_list(results)
response_data = {}
response_data[key] = api_results
return response_data
def handle_icon_request(model, id, path):
object = model.query.get(id)
if object is None:
return make_response({}, 404)
icon_base_path = path + str(id)
icon_svg_path = icon_base_path + ".svg"
if os.path.exists(icon_svg_path):
return send_file(icon_svg_path, mimetype=content_type_svg)
icon_png_path = icon_base_path + ".png"
if os.path.exists(icon_png_path):
return send_file(icon_png_path, mimetype=content_type_png)
unknown_svg_path = path + "unknown.svg"
if os.path.exists(unknown_svg_path):
return send_file(unknown_svg_path, mimetype=content_type_svg)
unknown_png_path = path + "unknown.png"
if os.path.exists(unknown_png_path):
return send_file(unknown_png_path, mimetype=content_type_png)
return make_response({"error": "icon not found"}, 404)
def hello_world():
return "KI"
@app.route("/users/login", methods=["POST"])
def login():
username = request.json.get("username", "")
password = request.json.get("password", "")
token = auth(username, password)
if token is None:
return make_response({}, 403)
return make_response({"token": token.token, "user_id": token.user_id})
def get_user_profile(user_id):
user = User.query.filter( == int(user_id)).first()
if user is None:
return make_response({}, 404)
profile = user.profile
if profile is None:
return make_response({}, 404)
if not profile.visible and !=
return make_response({}, 403)
return make_response({
"profile": profile.to_dict(),
@app.route("/users/<user_id>/profile", methods=["POST"])
def update_profile(user_id):
if != int(user_id):
return make_response({}, 403)
return update_profile_handler(int(user_id))
def get_contacttypes():
return handle_completion_request(ContactType, "contacttypes")
def find_profiles():
return find_profiles_handler()
def get_skills():
return handle_completion_request(Skill, "skills")
def get_skill_icon(skill_id):
skill_icons_path = app.config["KI_DATA_DIR"] + "/imgs/skill_icons/"
return handle_icon_request(Skill, skill_id, skill_icons_path)
def get_languages():
return handle_completion_request(Language, "languages")
def get_language_icon(language_id):
language_flags_path = app.config["KI_DATA_DIR"] + "/imgs/flags/"
return handle_icon_request(Language, language_id, language_flags_path)