# About This project is an experiment of how to generate the WTF handbook in various output formats (HTML, epub and pdf) from the [git repository for the WTF handbook](https://git.wtf-eg.de/wtf-eg/handbuch). The handbuch sources are included as git submodule. This repository contains the [Sphinx](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/) configuration and a Sphinx theme adapted for the [corporate identity of WTF cooperation](https://git.wtf-eg.de/ag_kommunikation/wtf_propaganda). # How to build ### Checkout with submodules This repository accesses the required WTF handbook's content as a git submodule. Therefore, make sure to check out this repository including its submodule: ``` git clone --recurse-submodules https://git.wtf-eg.de/wtf-eg/handbuch-gen.git ``` ### Python based dependencies In order to generate the documentation, first create a Python 3 virtual environment using the `venv` module included in Python 3: 1. Create a virtual Python environment in the directory `venv`: ```python3 -m venv venv``` 1. Activate the virtual Python environment: ```source venv/bin/activate``` 1. Install the packages listed in [requirements.txt](./requirements.txt) using `pip`: ```pip install -r requirements.txt``` ### Other dependencies For generating the images from PlantUML sources (`*.plantuml`), [PlantUML](https://plantuml.com/) is required. For pdf output the LaTeX builder is used, so `latex` and `pdflatex` need to be installed. ### Running the document generation via make The top level directory contains a Makefile, for generation with all output formats use ````` make bundle ````` The output files of the final handbook can be found in the subfolder `./bundle`. All generated intermediate artifacts and the final output files can be found in the `./build` subfolder.