Restructure the titles for motion, motion-block, assignment and topic.
Less possibilities for more clear code. Added mote base models enabling
functionalities of projection and being a content object for items
Also making sure that every BaseModel implements onString to be
displayable by a Selector.
And adding the new search-value-selector in the motion-detail-view
Adds a repository to remove the logic in the motion domain object
The repository will add a new model layer between the components
and the domain objects
implicitly add a new buttion into the motion detail view
Save those values in a new service, that will also watch for changes in
config variables. UI is not good; this can be done later
Share legal notice and privacy policy
Created some containers for them
- remove motion version
- migrations for versions and change recommendations
- Redone motion comments. Wording changed from comment fields to comment
- fixed test order, tests are not atomic
- introduce get_group_model. Just use OpenSlides Groups and not the
django's ones.
Set linting output to "stylish" (more readable error messages in terminal output)
Remove 2nd linting output
rename "appOsPerms" to just "osPerms" including filename and classname
rename all selectors from "app" to "os"
* properly ignore multiple virtual environments and vscode folders
* use scss instead of css in app.component
* remove yarn from client
* remove deprication error
* auditing packages
* updating travis to work with the new client
- core modules contains core services
- shared module contains "dumb" components (directives, models)
- used by nearly all modules
- site, it's children and projector are now feature modules
- full lazy loading with independent routing
- routing for children (extremely helpful for plugins (later))
- models get other models from DataStore (Relations)
- documentation using Compodoc
- rename and restructure
- http-interceptor makes all http-objections obsolete
- created 'Deserializable model' interface for better mapping of JSON objects
- Supports multiple nested objects
- No foreign dependancies, no magic
- Simple yet efficient deserialize function
- arrays of nested objects
- created more classes for better OOP AOP
-overworked login and logout
-new directive 'appOsPerms'
(former os-perms)
-appOsPerms compares with groups in Operator
-login observes operator for user-information
(also serves as example on how to user observables and subjects)
-operator observes datastore for groups
(so the operators knows it's groups by creation or directly after an
- Basic construction and datatypes of all objects
- create objects out of websocket response
- autoupdate service
- re-structure core models
- DataStore is easier to use
- uses ngx-translate
- extracts all strings marked with " XXX | translate " or <X translate>
using ngx-translate-extract (npm run extract)
- custom translation loader prevents empty strings
- default language is english
- will try to use the browsers language, will fallback to english
- functional language switching menu
- not compatible with current PO files
- current JSON-translation can be re-used
- Since MaterialUI does not have an equivalent to bootstrap alterts,
the toast service and alert service are marked as deprecated for now.
The functionality has been replaced with the snackbar.
- AuthenticationService->AuthService
- removed underscore-directories
- put site related stuff into site/
- same for projector
- auth service went into a core/ directory, used by site and projector
- the alert is now not global anymore. Every view can have its own alert
- make the auth service query users/whoami for the current user
- made a new OpenSlides service for managing the startup
... A lot todo ...
- basic client structure
- authentication towards OS-server
- access REST-Api
- webpack proxy for convenient usage
- fontawesome
- twitter bootstrap 3.3.7
- login example (recreate login page)
- routing
- template for agenda and motions
- dynamic content loading
- custom alert component
- add auth-guard
- checks if a user is logged in and makes correct forwarding
- authentification towards OS works
- saving the log in information is WIP