- Projector base template
- Projection button
- projection dialog
- motion slide (template and motions/projector.py)
- user slide (template and users/projector.py)
- motion and user list view with projector column permission check.
Fixed the non-autofocus search-input-element on the search-page.
Added directive 'osAutofocus' to the input-element, so it will be autofocussed when the user enters the search-component.
Resolved answers of pull-request
- Added `osAutofocus` to the `os-sort-filter-bar`
Added the function to autoclose the sidenavigation when working on a mobile-device.
Removed unnecessary functions.
Resolved answers of pull-request
- Added myself to the AUTHORS-file
- Used square brackets for 'routerLink'
* Changed wording: element is one element on the projector. A slide is a functoin to render one element
* Use AllData as first argument all the time
* Render username on server
* Add exceptions for erros on projector
* Fix motion recommendation
* Only show state extension, if it is allowed by the state
* Add motion_change_recommendations to motion full_data
Removes the "Export As CSV" and "Export As PDF" options from MotionList
view and adds an export dialog instead (just like OS 2.3)
The exprt Dialog dynamically changes it's content according to the possible
The current implementation of the CSV exporter is not able to export anything
but the original motion text. The exporter does consider this and disables
this option for now.
While the old exporter showed "state" and "recommendation" during CSV export,
but was in fact not exporting state nor recommendation, the new exporter
will disable these fields during CSV export.
PDF should work as expected
Ports the "Motion Catalog Content Provider" to OpenSlides 3.
Categories and Prefixes are considered as before.
Updated to Code to ES6/Typescript.
Allows to export all motions from the motion list view.
Alters the user detail view and the list of speakers to
support the gender field.
Default selection of genders was set to "Female", "Male"
and "Diverse".
Adding genders to users is completely optional