- Better config icon.
- Renamed media to files (only for GUI).
- Add datatable function for motion and asssignemnt overview table. Removed old filter/sorting code.
- Some more template styling work.
- Translate group name in participant overview table.
- Move 'status_link' function from participants.js to utils.js for using in VoteCollector plugin.
- Added hook 'post_js' for VoteCollector plugin.
- Fixed poll id in poll_form.
- Improved 'show log' button
- Used welcome_title for default custom slide
- Used bootstraps' fluid grid nesting for responsive layout of widgets.
- Added microphone icon for 'add-me-to-list-of-speakers' button.
- Format motion identifier and title in (motion and account) widgets.
- Format list of speakers (slide, overlay, view, overview)
- Format list of speakers widget and view. Added view to link to current list of speakers (without add to list).
- Fixed motion slide. Made up/down animation faster and the scroll way shorter.
- Fixed icon name.
- Set default context of 'extra_javascript' to use kwargs['context']['extra_javascript'].append('...') without error.
- Fixed translation of motion state.
Moved css code.
- Fixed agenda widget for special slide views (e.g. list of speakers, summary).
- Fixed back to motion(s) link
- Set icon for list of speakers widget.
- Fixed overlay widget layout of form elements.
- Added submenu with other config_pages to version.html.
- Updated completly DE translations, fixed EN strings.
- Coding style: Use correct ugettext and ugettext_lazy strings. Use "as _" for ugettext only.
Updated translation.
- Improved projector template (clock image, fixed facicon, added subtitle for list of speakers)
- Changed permission strings ('oneself'). Added check if group(pk=3) exists.
- Added event name and description to base template. Some minor template layout fixes.
- Use static subtile (no context var). Show last 2 old_speakers for projector.
- Cut old_speakers.
- Projektor template style changes (e.g. overlay list of speakers).
Use html parser 'beautifulsoup' to replace html tags which not supported by reportlab pdf.
'pip install bs4' required.
Fixed nested ol lists and unicode warning.
New requirement: beautifulsoup4
HTML support for reportlab.
Move parse html code into new function. Added missing html support in pdf for motion reason.
Added version number for bleach and beautifulsoup4. Moved to core requirements block.
Added bs4, bleach and html5lib requirements to portable build script. Updated portable readme for 1.4.