- Adds an icon with tooltip if a user is inactive to the user list
- always show the 'present'-column, even though the user is not active
- add a info icon if the user has a "comment". The content of the content
is displayed in the tooltip
The user can choose the option to export the informtion about submitters and the recommendation including the extension of motions to the 'table of contents'.
Replaces most mat-tables with tables using the NGrid library, supporting
extremly performant virtual scrolling.
The ListViewBaseComponent have been extremly simplified.
All list-view code is now mich shorter and way less repitative
The group list and the workflow list have not been altered.
- Fast virtual Scrolling without pagination
- Click Filter
- Search Filter
- Sorting
- Export filtered values (using click filters)
- Export sorted values in correct order
- Right-Click-new-tab
- Hiding/showing columns by permission and screen size
- Multi select
- Auto Updates in MultiSelectMode keep the correct items selected
- OsHeadBar shows the correct amount of data
- Restore scroll position after navigation
- Shared-Table Component
- Clean-Up base-list-view
- Motion List
- Motion Block List
- Motion Block Detail
- User List
- Agnnda List
- Assignment List
- MediaFile List
- Tag List
- Formulate filter predicates
- LOS Badge autoupdate (change detection)
- Better ellipses in lists
- Horrizontal Scrolling, if the screen get's too small.
- Issues in the change detection
- Some Layouting
- Using the seach filter prevents the sorting from working.
- NGrid currently has no way to get the filtered list
using search filter. Thus, search-filtered list cannot
be exported.
- An icon followed by text (or something else) can replaced by this new component, to verify a unified size and layout.
- Replaces also existing components with this new one.
- Adds subscriptions to the subscriptions-array from parent to clear them, after destroying the view
- Removes filter and sort service, if the selected view is the tile-view
Adds a second variable to hold the current selected view by user
- Increases the size of the badge
Adds amendments to motion pdf summary box - only if the state of them accepts the merge into the parent motion.
Adds a new flatMap function to array.prototype (should be safe to use until
Array.flatMap made it into official JS. I expect it in ES 2019.
Refactors some PDF and ChangeReco / Amendment related code
- The AppComponent listens to `stable`-state and `user` to determine whether the spinner should be hidden.
- Show the spinner only if the login data are correct.
- If the user is anonymous, the spinner will be hidden when the app is stable.