fix: Move inline style to css file and set max-height. #282

muli merged 1 commits from accessibility_fix_mobile_menu into main 2024-12-08 18:04:00 +01:00

This prevents the logo from overlapping the menu icon when the font-size is increased for accessibility.

This prevents the logo from overlapping the menu icon when the font-size is increased for accessibility.
muli added 1 commit 2024-12-08 18:02:18 +01:00
fix: Move inline style to css file and set max-height.
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is passing
This prevents the logo from overlapping the menu icon when the font-size is increased for accessibility.
muli merged commit ffa3c166fd into main 2024-12-08 18:04:00 +01:00
muli deleted branch accessibility_fix_mobile_menu 2024-12-08 18:04:00 +01:00
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Reference: ag_kommunikation/webseite#282
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