dancingCycle 0a40a0188f feat: move file2char to library 2023-01-20 14:14:38 +01:00
file2char.c feat: move file2char to library 2023-01-20 14:08:59 +01:00
file2char.h feat: move file2char to library 2023-01-20 14:08:59 +01:00
main.c feat: move file2char to library 2023-01-20 14:14:38 +01:00
makefile feat: move file2char to library 2023-01-20 14:08:59 +01:00 feat: file2char 2023-01-20 11:44:46 +01:00

  • build
make clean all
  • cleanup
make clean
  • run
./main <file path>
  • run Valgrind tool Memcheck
valgrind --leak-check=yes -s ./main <file path>