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# Setup Node
* update apt repository cache
sudo apt update
## Using APT
* install node.js and npm
sudo apt-get install nodejs npm --no-install-recommends
## Using NVM
* configure Node.js: [Here]( we find a bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
node -v
which node
chmod 700 ~/.profile
curl -o- | bash
command -v nvm
nvm -v
. ~/.profile
nvm -v
command -v nvm
echo $NVM_DIR
* OPTION: log out and log in again so that the configuration is updated
* Select and Install a Node.js version
nvm version-remote --lts
nvm ls-remote| grep 'Latest LTS'| grep v18
nvm i <lts>
* NOTE: Make sure node.js is available in the correct version
which node
* OPTION: Compare nvm's and user's Node.js version
/usr/bin/node -v
node -v
### Helpful NVM instructions
* install specific node version
nvm install 12.20.1
* list installed node versions for the current user
nvm ls
* find available node versions for installation
nvm ls-remote
* select a different node version for the current session only
nvm use 12.20.1
* find the default version for the current user
nvm run default --version
* run node script with the desired node version
nvm exec 12.20.1 <node script>.js