oc-issuer  0.0.2
Public Member Functions | Public Attributes | List of all members
CDD Struct Reference

currency description document More...

#include <model.hpp>

Collaboration diagram for CDD:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

crow::json::wvalue to_json () const

Public Attributes

std::string additional_info
time_t cdd_expiry_date
std::string cdd_location
size_t cdd_serial
time_t cdd_signing_date
 serial number of currency description document
size_t currency_divisor
std::string currency_name
 divisor used for coins of this currency
std::vector< unsigned > denominations
 name of the currency (e.g. OpenCent)
BigInt id
 the available denominations of this currency
std::vector< WeightedUrlinfo_service
 an identity for this currency
std::string issuer_cipher_suite
PublicKey issuer_public_master_key
std::vector< WeightedUrlmint_service
 the public key of this currency
std::string protocol_version
std::vector< WeightedUrlredeem_service
std::vector< WeightedUrlrenew_service

Detailed Description

currency description document

this structure describes a currency based on opencoin protocol. It can be converted to json to provide the specified currency description document.

Member Data Documentation

◆ cdd_location

std::string CDD::cdd_location

expiry date of this document (e.g. 2023-07-22T15:45:53.164685)

◆ cdd_serial

size_t CDD::cdd_serial

URL of location of this document (e.g https://opencent.org)

◆ currency_divisor

size_t CDD::currency_divisor

date of signing this document (e.g. 2022-07-22T15:45:53.164685)

◆ issuer_public_master_key

PublicKey CDD::issuer_public_master_key

the cipher suite used for this currencey (currently only RSA-SHA256-PSS-CHAUM82 is supported)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files: