Replaces most mat-tables with tables using the NGrid library, supporting
extremly performant virtual scrolling.
The ListViewBaseComponent have been extremly simplified.
All list-view code is now mich shorter and way less repitative
The group list and the workflow list have not been altered.
- Fast virtual Scrolling without pagination
- Click Filter
- Search Filter
- Sorting
- Export filtered values (using click filters)
- Export sorted values in correct order
- Right-Click-new-tab
- Hiding/showing columns by permission and screen size
- Multi select
- Auto Updates in MultiSelectMode keep the correct items selected
- OsHeadBar shows the correct amount of data
- Restore scroll position after navigation
- Shared-Table Component
- Clean-Up base-list-view
- Motion List
- Motion Block List
- Motion Block Detail
- User List
- Agnnda List
- Assignment List
- MediaFile List
- Tag List
- Formulate filter predicates
- LOS Badge autoupdate (change detection)
- Better ellipses in lists
- Horrizontal Scrolling, if the screen get's too small.
- Issues in the change detection
- Some Layouting
- Using the seach filter prevents the sorting from working.
- NGrid currently has no way to get the filtered list
using search filter. Thus, search-filtered list cannot
be exported.
- An icon followed by text (or something else) can replaced by this new component, to verify a unified size and layout.
- Replaces also existing components with this new one.
- Adds subscriptions to the subscriptions-array from parent to clear them, after destroying the view
- Removes filter and sort service, if the selected view is the tile-view
Adds a second variable to hold the current selected view by user
- Increases the size of the badge
- ListOfSpeakers (LOS) is now a speprate model, containing of an id,
speakers, closed and a content_object.
- Moved all speaker related views from ItemViewSet to the new
- Make Mixins for content objects of items and lists of speakers.
- Migrations: Move the lists of speakers from items to the LOS model.
- Removed the speaker repo and moved functionality to the new
- Splitted base classes for agenda item content objects to items and
- CurrentAgendaItemService -> CurrentListOfSpeakersSerivce
- Cleaned up the list of speakers component.
More observable based, more scaleable filtering
based on an old branch of @FinnStutzenstein.
cleans some functions and provides some differend features.
- If the previously selected theme is not available the default OpenSlides theme will be displayed.
- Before the current selected theme was loaded, no theme is displayed.
Fixes an error where the auth guard had race conditions
with the OpenSlides bootup routine (kinda hacky tbh)
Fixes false redirects in the Auth.Service
Also adjustes the file uploader to be a little more
- Added filtering by visibility, like internal, public or hidden items
- Added option to collapse or expand all nodes
- Added also style for the dark theme
Calculates the direction of the moving.
Finishes the moving of nodes in same level
Adds some style
Sets the padding dynamically
Adds placeholder depends on the horizontal movement
Set the placeholder at the correct place, so the user can see, where he will drop the moved node
Finishes moving of nodes
- Old parents change their option to expand.
- New parents change their option to expand.
- If the user moves a node between nodes with a higher level, the node will be moved to the next index with same or lower level.
Fixes the visibility of moved node
- If the new parent is not visible, the moved node will not be seen.
If the user moves an expanded node, the new parent should expanded, too, if it's not already.
Sending successfully data to the server
- Sorting the items
Handles moving nodes between parent and children
- If the user moves a node between a parent and its children, the children will be relinked to the moved node as their new parent.
Replaces the old `sorting-tree` to a new one
- The new `sorted-tree` replaces the old `sorting-tree`.
- The old package `angular-tree-component` was removed.
- The user will only see the buttons to save or cancel his changes, if he made changes.
- The buttons, that do not work currently, were removed.
Adds a guard to check if the user made changes.
- If the user made changes but he has not saved them, then there is a dialog that will prompt to ask for confirmation.
Before cancelling the changes the user has to confirm this.
Add an getViewModelListBehaviorSubject that simplifies
how to get most model lists in the view
unified update, delete and create methods and removed redundant code from the repos
(where it was possible)
cleaned up the motion detail to not directly use the DataStore
Add information about the "main model" to all ViewModels, to call the
correct constructor in the BaseRepo
Sorts the Workflow table to be more predictable
Adds new shared SCSS table rules.
Adds a default with as 100% (there have never been half tables)
Overwrites the rules for sticky tables
Adds a new template to user detail, to show user information in multiple
Also adds a new feature to the headbar. Long titles (over title slot) will
break using ellipsis
Fixes an issue where users without manage rights
were able to use the drag and drop feature of the
list of speakers.
Also hides "modified final version" prints without
sufficient permissions.
Alters OSPerms to support "and" operators,
so "perm" and "other condition" is now possible
Seperates the previously large motion module in various smaller
and very small feature modules.
Motion Detail, and all direct dependancies to Motion Detail
is now an own module.
This significantly increases the response time of openslides 3
Uses css-variabled and dom manipulation to change
the projectors h1 color on the fly.
Will have issues with multiple projectors nested in the same view
- use always color black on projector, also in dark mode
- show border for projector preview
- Fix projector logo margin by using img instead of os-logo
- Use also 'username' in invitation email subject
- Added a custom palette (`#c31c23`)
- Set the new primary palette for dark theme
Changes some styles depending on theme
- Removed hard-coded colors
- Set color depending on theme
Refactors the media file upload component into
a shared component to be used in both normal pages
and dialogs.
A dialog was addes into the media file "edit" view
to upload and set attachments on the fly.
- Add projector logo/headerimage
- Fixed opening multiselect action menu for users.
- Used defined toolbar color for multiselect mode.
- (server) Added check for ' = True' to edit user
profile as normal user.
Added a new set of icons and removed the old one. The new one can used just like the old one.
Changed old improper icons to new ones
- The 'save_alt'-icons are replaced by 'cloud_upload'
- The icon in the navigation for assignments is replaced by 'how_to_vote'
- The drag&drop icon 'unfold_more' is replaced by 'drag_indicator'
Alters motion detail to show amendments and to a given motion
and original motions to a given amendment.
Changes the motion PDF to show amendments.
Fixes a bug with the projection indicator
- Projector base template
- Projection button
- projection dialog
- motion slide (template and motions/
- user slide (template and users/
- motion and user list view with projector column permission check.
Fixed the non-autofocus search-input-element on the search-page.
Added directive 'osAutofocus' to the input-element, so it will be autofocussed when the user enters the search-component.
Resolved answers of pull-request
- Added `osAutofocus` to the `os-sort-filter-bar`
- "no workflows set" removed
- motion block filter hides if there is no motion block
- inserted the group filter
- fixed display of agenda filter menu
- show plural if multiple filters are selected, show filtered amount
- recommendation, done/not done status filter
- active filter count and clearing option
- number of current items to the left